Spectacle Owl

Spectacled Owl


The Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata) is a large owl with distinctive facial markings resembling “spectacles.” Native to Belize, these nocturnal birds are recognized for their dark plumage and unique appearance.

Interesting Facts

  • Scientific Name: Pulsatrix perspicillata
  • Habitat: Inhabits various forested habitats in Belize, including rainforests and woodlands.
  • Diet: Carnivores, feeding on small mammals, birds, and reptiles; silent hunters with keen vision and hearing.
  • Behavior: Nocturnal and solitary; known for their haunting vocalizations; their presence indicates the health of forested ecosystems in Belize.

Fun Facts

  • At the Belize Zoo we have Hoodwink the Spectacled Owl. He is quite charming and elegant if you take a good look at him.
  • He loves to have chit chats with his keeper in the evenings when it’s time for dinner.
  • He is one of the wonderful highlights of the “Belize Zoo at Night!” experience.

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