White Tailed Deer

Photo of White Tailed Deer

White-Tailed Deer


The White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is a medium-sized herbivore with a reddish-brown coat and a distinctive white tail. Native to Belize, these deer are adaptable to various ecosystems, including rainforests and savannas.

Interesting Facts

  • Scientific Name: Odocoileus virginianus
  • Habitat: Thrives in diverse landscapes in Belize, including forests, grasslands, and wetlands.
  • Diet: Herbivores, feeding on vegetation such as grass, leaves, and twigs.
  • Behavior: Typically found in small family groups; agile runners; contribute to the ecological balance and are occasionally hunted for subsistence or management purposes in Belize.

Fun Facts

  • Their famous white tail flicks up when they are alert or alarmed, and is used to warn other members of their herd of danger

  • White-tailed deer can run up to speeds of 30mph

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